Thursday, 28 August 2008

Omg a new update!

Well I did warn that updates to this blog may not happen as often as most. However I didnt quite expect it to be even this long before the next one...

Anyway at least I have plenty to talk about right?

To be fair there isnt that much to talk about as I have won a little and lost a little up until recently anyway. However this last week or so has had some fairly notable events which is worth a little mention.

The first thing that should be mentioned is the trip that myself and my better half took to the forum meet up at The Coachman pub in Hartford kindly hosted by Squirmy. Things started off well when I woke up in time to get the planned train into London. Of course just as the taxi was due to turn up to take us to the station my nose involuntarily started pissing out with blood. Great. So we get to the station with plenty of time to spare and get our tickets. The guy behind the counter obviously didnt want to be there and made it patently obvious to us that life is a lemon and he wanted his money back. After managing to charge us for the wrong tickets twice (on my missus card) we finally ended up with our tickets and about 6 extra reciepts showing refunds etc etc... Then we lost one of our outward tickets which after a fruitless search of the station and much complaining to the guy in the ticket counter for not giving us the ticket in the first place it turned up in the missus wallet after she had got mixed up with the reciepts and the tickets...

We eventually made it into London safe in the knowledge that we were going to have a nice relaxing journey and arrive at the pub in plenty of time for a shower and a meal with some good beer thrown in for good measure. This feeling lasted until about 30 seconds after we got into Euston station when it was announced that no trains would be running out of the station until further notice. We later found out that this was due to a freight train fire at Bletchley that locked up all of the main lines out of Euston. So after much hassle and queueing in the wrong place we managed to find out that we had to go to St Pancras (along with everyone else at Euston) and make our way north however we could from there. We got there and managed to get seats on a train going to Derby which was a lucky break in itself as within 30 seconds of us getting seats there wasnt a seat or even standing room left on ther train.

We got to Derby and had a short wait for a connecting train to Crewe. While waiting on the platform a middle aged lady collapsed and had an epileptic fit a few feet away from us but thankfully there was staff about who did all the right things and she seemed to make a full recovery before our train arrived. I was a little worried about her as I overheard her saying to the staff that she was travelling on her own and had no medication until she got home but I can only assume everything was ok with her.

Anyway we got on our train and again was lucky to get seats and in not so short order arrived at Crewe and had an uneventful wait and transfer to Hartford. I was very happy to get off the train and be able to see the pub before we had even left the station. We even managed to arrive slightly early for the game which was again pretty lucky as our journey up there had taken about an extra 3 1/2 hours over what it was supposed to be....

Anyway, enough talk about the state of Britains rail system and onto the juicy poker!

We started the Main Event with 36 people all ponying up £30 which included £5 bounty and a donation towards some food. I sat down and was greeted by Mrs Macacan, Devilmeat, my other half and people whose names I have forgotten because I suck with names at the best of times, let alone when there is alchohol involved. I immediatly went on a card rush picking up JJ, KK, AK and 88 in the first 4 hands. Unfortunatly I wasn't able to capitilise as much as I wanted to as everyone started out playing fairly tight though I did manage to take a few chips off Mrs Mac. I then went completly and utterly card dead with every time I tried to steal a pot I got re-raised... I only had 2 more hands of note on this table both of which was 33. The first time I shoved in and the guy on my right (sorry whoever you are) laid down his 55 and took down the blinds (whew) and the second time I shoved in I got called by my friend on the right who had AA. Unfortunatly for him I spiked my 3 on the flop and he failed to improve and I had a much needed double up.

Not long after I moved tables to what would eventually become the final table and took a chance with 66 against 2 shorter stacks and got annhiliated leaving my incredibly shortstacked. I then got the big blind and shoved in with Q10 against 107 which unfortunatly for me ended my tournament when he caught a straight.

On to the cash game!

I took a chance early on and shoved with AJ and got called by AK and failed to suck out, after which I tightened up and played what I consider to be fairly good poker. I got all in preflop with Mrs Mac with my 1010 vs her 77 and she caught her 7 on the river much to the enjoyment of everybody. After that everything went ok and I ended up a few quid after making some good calls mainly against Mrs Mac.

The entire night was totally top class with alchohol being brought to the tables by bar staff who should be working for model agencies (or in my mind, porn flicks) flowing freely with very little hassle.

Whoever threw up and blocked the urinal in the mens toiletmuch to Squirmy's dismay should be ashamed of themselves though, you know who you are. Be a man and admit it next time.

Online poker has been treating me well in the last week or so as well with a couple of large cashes in big MTT's on Pokerstars totalling about $2000. I have also, for the very first time, made Silver star status on Pokerstars which while it doesnt seem alot, and you dont get alot is a nice little milestone for me :)

And now for the challenge...

Hutchylad has challenged me to make $1000 in the next month purely from MTT's (either sngo or scheduled). I intend to have a good shot at this by playing mainly $11 180 person sngo and some of the larger guarantee tournaments up to an $11 buy in. My current balance is $211 and I hope to be able to show a tidy profit at the very least. Either way its gonna be fun to try :) I will be posting the results from every tournament I play on this blog and hopefully it wont look too woeful :)

See you all soon!

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